Always Fresh.
Since the Start.

The History.
The beginnings of Wolfgang’s heritage can be traced back to the Grand Rapids and Reeds Lake Railroad Company, who built rail lines down Wealthy Street, connecting downtown to Ramona Park, located along the banks of Reeds Lake. Our restaurant today is in the old trolley barn.

Just Breakfast.
My Mom and Dad opened their restaurant “Just Breakfast” and were open late night. It was the first of its kind to do just breakfast all day in Grand Rapids.

My Turn.
My time to step up. The start of The Great Matt Wolfgang show. Mom and Dad in retirement now. I was somewhat afraid, but to my good luck, Stacy Vanvulkenburg starts as manager.
Two of Us.
Now there are two Wolfgangs running the show!
It’s Her Show Now.
My Stacy Ann now runs the restaurant by herself. Not coincidentally, I believe this is when Wolfgang’s became a truly great restaurant.

Thanks to you.
Today, it has now been 45+ years and our story is still going strong. To our customers who have given my family this wonderful life for all of these years, thank you. It’s always been about you and it will remain that way until the end. From the beginning to the finish of every day, our success is because of our employees. We love them and will never forget Wolfgang’s is great because they made it that way. Stacy Ann and myself are such a small part of this restaurant, thank you to the biggest part, the people who make it all work.